October 6, 2024

Tami Leman • October 4, 2024


1.  Update on Our Church Discipleship Groups 
Currently, there are 6 women’s groups and 4 men’s groups for a total of 72 people, each group has met at least once if not twice or more. Some are doing activities together, others doing topical discussions, etc., but each group is enjoying the variety of stages that the mixed ages bring. Although the groups are already set for this year, please reach out to Sisters Tressa Leman, Sabrina Zeller, Angie Schick or Clair Huette if you would like more information and to get on a list to sign up for a Discipleship group that will start July of next year.  In the meantime, we encourage you to grow in your life of discipleship, a personal walk with Jesus where we bring all our life into alignment with the way of Christ and encourage others to do the same, by listening to the Discipleship Conference talks on AC Central and reading the attachments with this email. 

2. Monday, September 30 - Red Cross Blood Drive - 1-6 pm at FH 
Please consider donating blood and giving the precious gift of life!  You can sign up for your appointment at the information center or call 1-800-REDCROSS or Sisters Kathy Ritthaler or Sheri Daniel.  If you would like to volunteer to work or donate food, there are forms at the kitchen sign-up table. 

3. Tuesday, October 1– HarvestCall Projects 9am-12pm at FH 
If you have any questions, contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419. 

4. Sunday, October 6 - Pizza Meal 5:30pm and Church Family Hymn Sing 6:30pm at church 
The Pre-K-3rd graders will be the special group for the evening.  Please sign up at the kitchen sign up table if you plan to attend or if you can bring bars or cookies. 

5. Sunday, October 13 - Illinois Potluck and Singing at FH 
Morton is hosting the Illinois Potluck on October 13th. The Illinois Potluck is comprised of guests from the 19 churches in Illinois. We are expecting around 80 guests. If you would like to join us for dinner and/or the singing to follow, please sign up on Sunday at the kitchen sign up table. The dinner will be at 3:45pm with the singing at 5:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact Sisters Gloria Leman, Cindi (Phil) Witzig, or Gertie Esslinger.

6. 2025 Church Directory Updates due by Oct 31 
If you are new to Morton church and would like to be included in our 2025 church directory, please email your contact information to Sis Dannelle Zeller at info@mortonacchurch.org. If you are currently listed with an email address in the directory, you will be receiving an email containing a proof of your listing in early October. You can simply reply to that email with changes. “Those who have graduated from high school or are now in the Young Group” should also email info@mortonacchurch.org with information for their own entry. Remember you can include your married children and their spouses under your listing, and you can list as many phone numbers or emails as needed. Church officers and committees are in the back of the directory. If you are retiring from a position or starting a new one, please update us with that information as well.

A Look Ahead

1. October 13 – Morton Church Updates/Church Office Nominations/Sophie Kaufmann and Gabe Hartter All Church Wedding Shower 1:30-2:30pm at Church 
2. October 19-20 – Church Family Weekend 
3. October 27 – Fall Memorandum 
4. Saturday, November 9 - Apologetics Conference in Smithville, OH ETR Website. 
5. November 10 – Bible Class Fundraiser - At the Table 
6. November 15 – 17 - ACCFS Marriage Retreat in Ft Lauderdale, FL  
7. November 16 – All Church Wedding Shower @ FH – Kraig Schick and Sanita Baer
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