Prison Ministry
Our mission is to bring the message of the Word of God to inmates and their families both in the United States and abroad, and to provide for their spiritual needs as appropriate.
How We Aim to Achieve Our Mission
• Holding regular church services in a number of jails and prisons in Illinois, Missouri, Florida, Russia, and Romania.
• Providing Chaplains to serve in the prisons and jails.
• Providing counseling services to inmates.
• Providing religious books to inmates.
• Providing Bibles for inmates who write and request one. Currently Berean Prison Ministries gives approximately 2,000 Bibles per month at no cost to the inmates.
• Berean has two 50 lesson Bible studies that are provided to inmates. The first two lessons are given with each new Bible that is sent with a return envelope. When the inmate completes the first lessons and returns them, they are graded by volunteers and the next lessons in the series are sent. Currently Berean volunteers grade approximately 20,000 Bible study lessons per month. At the completion of each series of lessons, a certificate of completion is given to the inmate.
Matthew 25:36
I was in prison and you came unto me.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.