1. Monday, September 30 - Red Cross Blood Drive - 1-6 pm at FH
Please consider donating blood and giving the precious gift of life! You can sign up for your appointment at the information center or call 1-800-REDCROSS or Sisters Kathy Ritthaler or Sheri Daniel. If you would like to volunteer to work or donate food, there are forms at the kitchen sign-up table.
2. Sunday, October 6 - Pizza Meal 5:30pm and Church Family Hymn Sing 6:30pm at church
The Pre-K-3rd graders will be the special group for the evening. Please sign up at the kitchen sign up table if you plan to attend or if you can bring bars or cookies.
3. Sat-Sun, October 12-13 - Volunteers Needed as Morton hosts Illinois Potluck and Singing at FH
If you want to help with setting up the Fellowship Hall or preparing the meat on Saturday, October 12; host a few families between church services and the dinner on Sunday, be a greeter before the dinner, help in the kitchen, or clean up afterward, please contact Sisters Gloria Leman, Cindi Witzig, or Gerty Esslinger.
4. Saturday, November 9 - Apologetics Conference in Smithville, OH
More information and the registration link can be found on the ETR Website.
5. November 15 – 17 - ACCFS Marriage Retreat in Ft Lauderdale, FL
Enjoy time away with your spouse while growing your marriage with teaching sessions, discussion breakouts, activities, and more geared toward encouragement, learning, fellowship, and growth! Please click on the following link to register https://hustlefish.typeform.com/to/uWScuoSm space is limited.
A Look Ahead
1. October 6 – Church Family Hymn Sing
2. October 13 – Morton Church Updates/Church Office Nominations/Sophie Kaufmann and Gabe Hartter All Church Wedding Shower 1:30-2:30pm at Church
3. October 19-20 – Church Family Weekend
4. October 27 – Fall Memorandum
5. November 10 – Bible Class Fundraiser - At the Table