1. Tuesday, September 6 – HarvestCall Projects – 9a.m. – 12p.m. at the Fellowship Hall
We plan to resume HarvestCall Projects after the summer break. Come and go as you please. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Jayne Sauder or Sis. Pam Heinold.
2. Sunday, September 18- ACYF Day in Tremont
Tremont is hosting ACYF Day on September 18th and everyone is invited to come to Tremont for the day. The morning service begins at 10:00 and the ACYF Program/afternoon service begins at 12:10. The service will also be live streamed for those that wish to watch from home.
3. Wednesday, September 21 – Kingdom Kids Begins
We look forward to another exciting year of Kingdom Kids, learning more about Jesus for ages 3 years old – Third Grade. We begin at 6:50pm for early arrival activities, singing starts at 7:00pm and we conclude at 8:10pm.
4. Friday, September 23 – All Church Wiener Roast – 6:30pm at the FH Pavilion
Meat, drink, and table service will be provided. Please bring one or two covered dishes and/or a dessert to share, as well as a flashlight for the singing. See Bro. Adam or Sis. Lindsay Funk if you have any questions.
5. Sunday, October 2 – Pizza Meal and Family Hymn Sing at 5:30pm – All are welcome
Please sign up at the kitchen sign-up table if you plan to attend the pizza meal. The singing will follow at 6:30pm. The Bible Class will be the special group for the evening. Please join us for an evening of worship and fellowship!
A Look Ahead
1. September 23 – All Church Wiener Roast
2. September 29 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Joseph and Sis Emily (Meeks) Fischer
3. October 2 – Family Hymn Sing
4. October 3 – 1-6pm Red Cross Blood Drive at the Fellowship Hall
5. October 4 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Brooke Kaiser
6. October 9 – Church Officer Nominations
7. October 22/23 – Church Family Weekend