1. Tuesday, August 23 – First Benefit Dinner Practice @ 7:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall
Lord willing, we plan to have another Bible Class Benefit Dinner on November 12 and 13, 2022. Most practices are scheduled to last 1 ½ hours with the last four planned to be 2 hours. It is helpful to have everyone there to enjoy and participate in as many practices as possible. If you are unable to be there for the entire practice, please come for whatever time you can. Please see the attachment for more information and the entire practice schedule.
2. Morton Church College Students
he 2022-2023 school year is beginning. Attached is the list of current college students from our Morton Church family along with their contact information, the school they are attending and their major. Please keep these students in your prayers and consider sending them a note, email or text now and throughout the year. Let’s remember to pray for all our students, including our preschool through high school aged students. During these times we are living in, your prayers for all students and all teachers would be greatly appreciated.
3. Wednesday, September 21 – Kingdom Kids Begins
We look forward to another exciting year of Kingdom Kids, learning more about Jesus for ages 3 years old – Third Grade. We will begin at 6:50pm for early arrival activities, singing will start at 7:00pm and we will conclude at 8:10pm.
4. Tuesday, September 6 – HarvestCall Projects – 9a.m. – 12p.m. at the Fellowship Hall
We plan to resume HarvestCall Projects after the summer break. Come and go as you please. If you have any questions, contact Sis. Jayne Sauder or Sis. Pam Heinold.
A Look Ahead
1. September 23 – All Church Wiener Roast
2. September 29 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Joseph and Sis Emily (Meeks) Fischer
3. October 2 – Family Hymn Sing
4. October 3 – 1-6pm Red Cross Blood Drive at the Fellowship Hall
5. October 4 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Brooke Kaiser
6. October 9 – Church Officer Nominations
7. October 22/23 – Church Family Weekend