August 27, 2023

Tami Leman • August 26, 2023


1. Tuesday, September 5th 9am-noon – HarvestCall Projects 
We will be tying comforters. If you haven’t come before, consider joining the fun as we start the fall session. Come to the back door and meet in the “Harvest Call” room. Any questions contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419. 

2. Friday, September 22 at 6:30 pm – All Church Weiner Roast 
All are invited to the Wiener Roast at the Fellowship Hall pavilion.  Meat, drink, and table service will be provided. Please bring one or two side dishes and/or a dessert to share. Bring a flashlight for the singing. See Bro. Adam or Sis. Lindsay Funk if you have questions. 

3. Saturday, September 23 – “Grafted Gathering” (Adoption/Foster Families Support Day) 
Children belong in families and those families need Love and Support. Join us on Saturday, September 23rd for a day of learning and sharing together about this important cause at the West Lafayette Apostolic Christian Church. 
• Registration is now open! View details and registration at this link: 

4. All-Church Rotating Potluck 
 All-Church Rotating Potluck email has been sent to all who signed up to be in it for 2023-2024. If you signed up, but did not receive an email, or would like a paper copy, contact Debbie Wells at 309-966-2333. The All-Church Rotating Potluck list for 2023-2024 is also on the church website.

A Look Ahead

1. September 18 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Adam Streenz and Sis Anna Hartzler 
2. September 22 – All Church Weiner Roast 
3. September 24 – Wedding – Sis Nicole Leman and Bro Joe Kaufmann 
4. September 28 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Norman Dubert and Sis Audrey Reinhard 
5. October 1 – Wedding – Bro Adam Streenz and Sis Anna Hartzler – Rittman, OH
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