September 10, 2023

Tami Leman • September 9, 2023


There are lots of items that have been accumulating for a long time, and there are some items since the conference, in different areas of the church. Please check under the mirrors beside the ladies’ coat room to see if any of these items belong to you. Any items not taken by September 17, 2023 will be taken to Goodwill or thrown away. Parents with children in the baby room and nursery please check the cubbies outside the nursery doors and behind the door of the baby room. Any items besides church bags will be going to Goodwill or thrown away.
2. Morton Church College Students 
The 2023-2024 school year is beginning. Attached with weekly announcements is the list of current college students from our Morton Church family along with their contact information, the school they are attending and their major. Please keep these students in your prayers and consider sending them a note, email, or text now and throughout the year. Let’s remember to pray for all our students, from preschool through high school. During these times we are living in, your prayers for all students and teachers are so valuable.

3. Friday, September 22 at 6:30 pm – All Church Weiner Roast 
All are invited to the Wiener Roast at the Fellowship Hall pavilion.  Meat, drink, and table service will be provided. Please bring one or two side dishes and/or a dessert to share. Bring a flashlight for the singing. See Bro. Adam or Sis. Lindsay Funk if you have questions. 

3. Wednesday, September 20 – Kingdom Kids Begins 
We look forward to another exciting year of Kingdom Kids, learning more about Jesus for 3 year olds – Third Grade.  We begin at 6:50pm for early arrival activities, singing starts at 7:00pm and we conclude at 8:10pm. 

5. Sunday, October 1 – Pizza Supper, 5:30pm and Church Family Hymn Sing, 6:30pm at Church 
There is a sign-up sheet for attendance and dessert at the Information Center. The Bible Class and a Women's Trio will be singing. We look forward to a night of fellowship and song! A donation box will be available for all who would like to contribute to the pizza dinner

A Look Ahead

1. September 24 – Wedding – Sis Nicole Leman and Bro Joe Kaufmann 
2. September 28 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Norman Dubert and Sis Audrey Reinhard 
3. October 1 – Wedding – Bro Adam Streenz and Sis Anna Hartzler – Rittman, OH/Family Hymn Sing 
4. October 2 – Red Cross Blood Drive 
5. October 8 – Nominations for Church Offices 
6. October 15 – Minister Exhortation-Bro Ted Witzig Jr. 
7. October 21 & 22 – Church Family Weekend 
8. October 25 – SS Fall Party 
9. October 29 – Ted Talk for Morton Church-Bro Ted Witzig Jr.
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