1. Saturday/Sunday August 26 and 27 – Church Family Weekend – Testimony/Baptism
Each year we schedule 4 weekends, one per quarter of the year, for special Morton church events such as testimonies/baptisms, church presentations, etc. The third one this year will be held on August 26 and 27. We are currently planning for a testimony and baptism of Savannah Sauder that weekend. Please make plans to be present. Committee 2 is providing a snack following the baptism. For planning purposes, the fourth Church Family Weekend is October 21 and 22, please note this weekend on your calendars.
2. All-Church Rotating Potluck
All-Church Rotating Potluck email has been sent to all who signed up to be in it for 2023-2024. If you signed up, but did not receive an email, contact Debbie Wells at 309-966-2333. Also, let Debbie know if you want a paper copy and she will get one to you. The All-Church Rotating Potluck list for 2023-2024 is now on the church website.
3. Saturday, September 23 – “Grafted Gathering” (Adoption/Foster Families Support Day)
Children belong in families and those families need Love and Support. Join us on Saturday, September 23rd for a day of learning and sharing together about this important cause at the West Lafayette Apostolic Christian Church. Registration is now open! View details and registration at this link: https://accounseling.org/graftedgathering2023/
A Look Ahead
1. August 26 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Laura Flett-10-11am at Fellowship Hall-Registered at babylist.com
2. September 18 – All Church Wedding Shower – Bro Adam Streenz and Sis Anna Hartzler
3. September 22 – All Church Weiner Roast
4. September 24 – Wedding – Sis Nicole Leman and Bro Joe Kaufmann