1.HarvestCall Clothing Drive and Love Packages Collection
Thank you to everyone who donated clothing. We collected 1,070 pounds of clothes which were taken to the Goodfield HarvestCall facility. We also collected many Bibles and other religious materials for Love Packages. Thank you to the Youth Night students for being enthusiastic workers.
2. Bags for the Homeless
The 4-13s have assembled bags for the homeless. These bags are for the congregation to give when they encounter a person in need, such as at a street corner or in a parking lot. We would like anyone who is comfortable to take a bag or two and keep it in your car, so you are ready when you see a need. Bags are available in the Resource Center starting Sunday, April 23. There will be an information/instruction sheet available when you pick up the bags. Thank you for being a blessing to others!
3. Sunday May 7 - High School Senior Recognition Service in the Afternoon Service
Bro Ted Witzig Jr will have the topic for the High School Seniors. There will be a reception with a light snack immediately following the afternoon service and to give everyone the opportunity to meet the seniors. This year’s seniors are Reagan Braker, Kyler Hartter, Elyse Heinold, Will Leman, Alyssa Rassi, Savannah Sauder, and Wyatt Tanner
4. Sunday, May 7 –Pizza Supper, 5:30pm and Family Hymn Sing, 6:30pm at Church
A donation box will be available for all who would like to contribute to the pizza dinner. • There is a sign-up sheet for attendance and dessert at the Information Center. The K-3rd Grade classes will be singing. We look forward to a night of fellowship and song!
5.ACCA Brotherhood Conference Volunteer Sign-up: Last Day to Sign up is April 30
Do consider selecting 'participate in an organized prayer effort'. By checking this box, you will have the option of sending notes of encouragement to elders and their wives and taking a window of time for individual prayer to cover the entire conference in prayer. All who responded to the volunteer survey should have received a ‘Volunteer Sign-Up’ confirmation email Thursday or Friday of this week. If you didn’t receive one, you may not have hit the “submit” button at the end of the survey. Please click on the link above to register again being sure to click "submit" at the end. Look Ahead: In May/June, Committee Leads will reach out to their list of volunteers with more information regarding their committee's specific needs.
A Look Ahead
1. June 3 and 4 – Church Family Weekend
2. June 5 – Red Cross Blood Drive at Fellowship Hall – 1-6pm
3. June 25 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic
4. July 10-14 – Vacation Bible School