April 30, 2023

Tami Leman • April 28, 2023


1. Sunday, April 23 – Bags for the Homeless 
The 4-13s have assembled bags for the homeless. These bags are for the congregation to give when they encounter a person in need, such as at a street corner or in a parking lot. • We would like anyone who is comfortable to take a bag or two and keep it in your car, so you are ready when you see a need. Bags will be available in the lobby and the Resource Center starting Sunday, April 23. There will be an information/instruction sheet available when you pick up the bags. Thank you for being a blessing to others! 

2. Saturday, April 29 – Hymn Singing, 7pm at the Fellowship Hall. 
We are planning to have a singing out of the new church hymn book, “Hymns of Worship”. This is not a typical singing, but a time that we will go over and sing a pre-selected group of 15 songs that a group has been practicing. It will also be an informal night for questions etc. This new hymnbook is a compilation of old favorites and newer hymns. Please plan to join us!

3. Wednesday, April 26 – Clothing Drive/Love Packages, 6:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall
Clothing Drive: Your donations of good, clean clothing will be taken to the Goodfield HarvestCall facility. The 4th-8th Grade will be working on the collection and sorting.  Love Packages: Your used/new religious materials - Bibles, daily devotionals, Christian books/music, reference books, children Bible games, etc., are being collected for an organization called Love Packages, which ships the collected materials all over the world. 

4. Sunday May 7 - High School Senior Recognition Service in the Afternoon Service 
Bro Ted Witzig Jr will have the topic for the High School Seniors  There will be a reception with a light snack immediately following the afternoon service and to give everyone the opportunity to meet the seniors.  This year’s seniors are Reagan Braker, Kyler Hartter, Elyse Heinold, Will Leman, Alyssa Rassi, Savannah Sauder, and Wyatt Tanner 

5. Sunday, May 7 –Pizza Supper, 5:30pm and Family Hymn Sing, 6:30pm at Church
 A donation box will be available for all who would like to contribute to the pizza dinner. • There is a sign-up sheet for attendance and dessert at the Information Center.  The K-3rd Grade classes will be singing. We look forward to a night of fellowship and song!

A Look Ahead

1. May 7 – Senior Graduation Service- Afternoon Service/ Church Family Hymn Sing 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Singing-Pre-K thru 3rd grades to sing. 
2. June 3 and 4 – Church Family Weekend 
3. June 5 – Red Cross Blood Drive at Fellowship Hall – 1-6pm 
4. June 25 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic 
5. July 10-14 – Vacation Bible School
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