1. All Church - Sharing the Gospel Bible Study – Starting Wednesday, June 9th
In order to equip our church, we are excited to announce we will be going through Sharing the Gospel Bible study together this summer.
It will be held starting at 7:00p each Wednesday night (except Family Worship Nights); Starting June 9th and running through August. The Study dates are June 9, 16, 23, 30; July 14, 21; August 4, 18, 25.
We are offering this study in two formats: (1) Small group Bible studies held in rooms around our church building. (2) A larger group Bible study held in the sanctuary in a format similar to Monday Night Bible Study.
In the Resource Room there is a table with Bible study books for everyone. If you would like to be in a small group study, please put your name on the sign up sheet. You do not need to sign up to be part of the group study in the sanctuary. Babysitting is available.
2. Rotating Church Potluck Sign-up by June 20
Sign up now for 2021-2022 rotating church potluck - 3 potlucks starting in fall.
Those on the church email list should have gotten an email with an attachment to fill out and send email or through mail.
All others, pick up form with details at Information Center.
3. Supper/Singing with Tremont Congregation - June 6th
Everyone is welcome. For questions, contact Bro. Jeremiah Psinas 309-360-6882. Please sign up by May 30th if you will be attending.
There will be a sign-up sheet at church or you can sign up using the form at this link:
4. June 7 - Red Cross Blood Drive - 1:00 -- 6:00 pm at the Fellowship Hall
Donors needed! The Red Cross tests all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies.
Masks are required. Enhanced disinfecting and social distancing measures will take place.
Volunteers are also needed to greet and check-in donors.
Call Sis. Elaine Sollberger @ 266-9843 for scheduling a donation, volunteering, or questions you have.
A Look Ahead
June 6 – Tremont Invite
June 7 – Red Cross Blood Drive @ FH
June 22 – All Church Shower – Sis Tori Sauder & Bro Eric Hartter @ FH
June 27 – Last Day of Sunday School and Sunday School Picnic
July 6 – All Church Shower – Domniq Kaufmann & Ashley Triplett @ FH
July 9-10 – Proclaim and Serve Missions Conference – Peoria -
July 18 – Wedding in Morton – Sis Tori Sauder and Bro Eric Hartter (Washington)
July 26-30 – Vacation Bible School
August 7 – Gateway Woods Sale