1. March 18 – Invite A Friend Singing
There will be an invite-a-friend singing held at the fellowship hall on Saturday, March 18 at 7pm. A snack will be provided after the singing, please sign up at the Kitchen Sign-Up table. •Please invite friends or neighbors to help make this a special evening of fellowship!
2. New Sunday School Curriculum
Our national church body is in the process of creating new Sunday School curriculum for Pre-K Bible Class. If you have any interest in helping with this project (writing lessons, reviewing lessons, graphic design, etc.) please talk to Sis Sandy Rassi or go to www.apostolicchristianchurch.org/curriculum-project
3. April 15 – 2023 Perfecting Love Discipleship Conference
ACCFS will be hosting its 2023 Perfecting Love Discipleship Conference on Saturday, April 15th, in Leo, IN. This year's theme is Discipleship in Community, and we look forward to a time of learning and fellowship as we consider the impact those around us have on our discipleship.
This conference is designed to encourage attendees in their personal walk with Jesus as well as support those who are helping others on this journey.
More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at: www.accounseling.org/discipleshipconference2023
4. Thank you to all who attended the March 1 All-Church Information Meeting.
The presentation and handouts are available online. May we glorify God as we as a church family offer loving deeds of service to our international church leadership and brotherhood. March 19 – ACCA Brotherhood Conference Volunteer Sign-Up Opens
Webpage with Conference Planning Information
Now online at mortonacchurch.org, under the 'Church Information' tab, click on 'For Morton Church' and use the password below to find a link to general conference information relevant to the Morton congregation as the 2023 host of the ACCA Brotherhood Conference.
A Look Ahead
1. March 19 – Communion Exhortation
2. March 19 – ACCA Brotherhood Conference Volunteer Sign-Up Opens
3. March 25 & 26 – Church Family Weekend – Testimonies and Baptisms
4. April 2 – Easter Program
5. April 7 – Good Friday Service
6. April 9 – Easter Morning Service/Brunch
7. April 22 – Communion
8. April 26 – Clothing Drive & Love Packages
9. April 29 – All Church Shower – Marla Heinold and Aaron Nuest