February 26, 2023

Tami Leman • February 24, 2023


1Wednesday, March 1 – Sunday School ballots are due. 
Please be prayerful and turn in your ballot in the ballot box or email Vote@mortonacchurch.org 

2. March 1 – All-Church Conference Planning Informational Meeting – 7pm at Fellowship Hall 
Please set aside this evening to learn about the planning that will continue over the coming months, as well as details regarding the flow of conference week and the opportunity for ALL OF US to serve in one way or another. Join with us in the planning process as we work together to create warm, loving, hospitable spaces for the leaders of our churches and general conference attendees to meet, discuss, learn, and be refreshed and encouraged. We anticipate that the time spent planning and serving will be a wonderful blessing for our church family as we work closely together, build stronger relationships, and encourage one another, glorifying God through loving deeds of service to our national church leadership and brotherhood. 
March 19 – ACCA Brotherhood Conference Volunteer Sign-Up Opens 
Webpage with Conference Planning Information 
Now online at mortonacchurch.org, under the 'Church Information' tab, click on 'For Morton Church' and use the password below to find a link to general conference information relevant to the Morton congregation as the 2023 host of the ACCA Brotherhood Conference. 

3. New Restmor Trustees 
The Restmor Board of Directors is thankful to announce that Bro. Roger Spangler and Sis. Elaine Sollberger have accepted nominations to serve on the Board. Thank you for your prayers during this process and for your continued support of the Restmor mission.
4. Saturday, March 4 - Young Group Dinner Benefit 
There will be no sit-down dinner this year. We will be offering take-out meals from 5-6:30 pm and there is no need to call ahead. Just pull up to the carport at the Fellowship Hall and someone will be out to ask how many dinners you need. The Young Group will be singing on March 5 in afternoon church. There will be a donation box available. This is the only fundraising event for the Young Group annually. 

5. A couple Reminders from the Church Office 
If you would like to be on the church email distribution list, please email your request to Sis Dannelle Zeller at info@mortonacchurch.org. Weekly announcements, Monthly Calendar and Newsletters, 2023 Conference Information, obituaries, job opportunities etc., get sent out from this distribution list. Office Hours are Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am-3pm, but if you need to get into church outside of those hours contact Sis Dannelle 309-678-1805. 

6. New Sunday School Curriculum 
Our national church body is in the process of creating new Sunday School curriculum for PreS Bible Class. If you have any interest in helping with this project (writing lessons, reviewing lessons, graphic design, etc.) please talk to Sis Sandy Rassi or go to www.apostolicchristianchurch.org/curriculum-project

A Look Ahead

1. March 12 – Sis Coreena Witzig and Bro Ben Kaiser Wedding 
2. March 18 – Invite a Friend Singing 
3. March 19 – Communion Exhortation 
4. March 19 – ACCA Brotherhood Conference Volunteer Sign-Up Opens 
5. March 25 & 26 – Church Family Weekend – Testimonies and Baptisms  
6. April 2 – Easter Program 
7. April 7 – Good Friday Service 
8. April 9 – Easter Morning Service/Brunch 
9. April 22 – Communion 
10. April 26 – Clothing Drive & Love Packages
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