1. Please be Prayerful for Sunday School Teacher Nominations
Nomination ballots for Sunday School teachers will be distributed after second service February 14th.
The church will have until Wednesday, March 3rd to complete and return the ballots to either the ballot box at church or to Bro. Ted Witzig, Jr.
2. Family Recognition Service - February 28th
There will be a Family Recognition Service on February 28th, in the second service.
This is a shortened church service intended to recognize the new babies that have been born into our church within the previous 2020 calendar year.
While this is an encouragement to the parents to raise these children in God-fearing homes, it is also an opportunity and reminder to the entire church family to be involved in each other’s lives as we go through the passages of life.
A Look Ahead
March 10-12 – Mid-Year Elder Conference
March 13 – Singing at Fellowship Hall - Tentative
March 14 – Communion Exhortation – second service
March 21 – Bro Scott Kieser and Sis Arika Nuest Wedding (Latty, OH)
March 24 - Easter Program
March 27 – Young Group Supper - Tentative
March 28 – Bro Cody Zeller and Sis Alexa Fischer Wedding (Roanoke, IL)