1. 2022 Benefit Dinner CD’s
The 2022 Benefit Dinner CDs “Worthy” are available in the Resource Room. They are free, so please stop and pick up as many as you need.
2. Contact Information Update for Meal Committees
The meal committees are asking you to update your contact information for the Call Blast and SignUpGenius. Forms will be on the sign up table for you to check your phone number and email and make any corrections. If there are no corrections, put a check by your name. The Call Blast and SignUpGenius is used to send out phone calls and emails when requesting help for funeral meals, baptisms, and the Easter breakfast. Please contact Sis. Cindy (Ted) Witzig or Sis Jane Kieser with any questions.
3. Co-Chair Needed for Meal Committee 1
Please prayerfully consider the opportunity to co-chair for meal committee 1. If you are willing to co-chair in 2024 please contact current committee chairman, Sis Cindy (Ted) Witzig.
4. Valet Parking
All those interested in helping with the Valet Parking Program, please contact Bro Gary Rassi at 309-339-5067. This would include before and after church on Sundays and Wednesday evenings.
5. February 2 & 3 – 2024 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference, Rittman, OH
ACCFS will be hosting its 2024 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference. We look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship as we consider the theme of Knowing God in Marriage. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at: www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2023 We encourage you to consider investing in your marriage as you join us for this year’s conference!
6. Sunday, January 7, 5:30pm – Pizza Meal and Church Family Hymn Sing
Singing will begin at 6:30pm. The 4th-8th graders will be the special group for the evening. Please join us for an evening of worship and fellowship!
7. Extra Sleeping Rooms Available for Babies
One of the blessings to having a vibrant and growing church is………. more babies :) We have set up two additional sleeping/nursing areas. These are located in the extra Sunday school room in the back and are separated by a temp wall. Each area has a bed, rocking chair, changing station, monitor, and coming soon, a sound machine. There are also 2 additional rocking chairs in the room next door that can be used for nursing as well.
A Look Ahead
1. December 24 – 9:45am Church Service and Sunday School/No Lunch/No PM Church Service
2. December 25 – Christmas Service – Church and Restmor
3. December 27 – No Church Service or Youth Activities
4. December 31 – New Years Eve Service during PM Church Service
5. January 6 – All Church Baby Shower - Sis Tori Hartter/Registered at Amazon
6. January 7 – PM Church Service – Minister Installation
7. January 7 – Family Hymn Sing
8. January 17 – Annual Business Meeting
9. January 20 & 21 – Church Family Weekend
10. January 28 – Family Recognition Service