December 10, 2023

Tami Leman • December 9, 2023


1.  14th Annual Salvation Army Sock Drive 
November 19 – December 17. Please bring new men’s, women’s, and children’s socks to the bins in the resource center. Thank you for blessing others with your faithfulness in supporting the annual sock drive.  

2. Wednesday, November 29 – Annual Toy Drive to benefit the Salvation Army
Please bring your donations including new toys, games, and baby items to the Sunday School door where the kids from FourThirteens will collect your donations. 

3. Tuesday, December 5, 9:00am to 12:00pm - HarvestCall Projects 
Any questions contact Sis Jayne Sauder 309-642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 309-696-3419. 

4. December 10th – Sunday School Christmas Program 
The Sunday School Christmas Program, titled “A Thrill of Hope, The Weary World Rejoices”, will be held at 12pm during the afternoon church service. The students need to be in the Sunday School area by 11:45am.  Come and watch our Sunday School as they tell the wonderful story of our Savior’s birth through song and scripture.

5. February 2 & 3 – 2024 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference, Rittman, OH
ACCFS will be hosting its 2024 Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference. We look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship as we consider the theme of Knowing God in Marriage. Registration is required for this in-person only event. More information as well as registration can be found at:  We encourage you to consider investing in your marriage as you join us for this year’s conference! 

5. Perspectives Class at Goodfield Fellowship Hall 
What: Perspectives is a 15-lesson course of vision, hope, and passion found in the Bible with the goal of guiding Christians to greater alignment with God’s priorities in building His kingdom here on earth, locally and abroad. 
Format: 15 different speakers over 15 weeks bring a wide variety of experience and stories to engage you in community and learning with your peers in a truly interactive setting. • When: Thursday, January 18 to Thursday, May 2 from 6:15 PM to 9:00 PM 
Register online: 
Questions: Bro. Erik Wiegand (mobile/text: 309-208-8984 or is the local church contact with the Goodfield AC Church.

Extra Sleeping Rooms Available for Babies 
One of the blessings to having a vibrant and growing church is………. more babies :) We have set up two additional sleeping/nursing areas. These are located in the extra Sunday school room in the back and are separated by a temp wall. Each area has a bed, rocking chair, changing station, monitor, and coming soon, a sound machine. There are also 2 additional rocking chairs in the room next door that can be used for nursing as well. 

A Look Ahead

December 24 – 9:45am Church Service and Sunday School/No Lunch/No PM Church Service 
2. December 25 – Christmas Service – Church and Restmor 
3. December 27 – No Church Service or Youth Activities 
4. December 31 – New Years Eve Service during PM Church Service 
5. January 6 – All Church Baby Shower - Sis Tori Hartter/Registered at Amazon 
6. January 7 – Family Hymn Sing 
7. January 17 – Annual Business Meeting 
8. January 20 & 21 – Church Family Weekend 
9. January 28 – Family Recognition Service
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