1. Morton Communion
Communion this year is on Saturday, April 23, at 7:00pm. It will be served by Bro. Ted Witzig Jr and Bro. Jeff and assisted by the Morton ministers.
The wine and the bread will be served in individual cups/servings as it was last year. Grape juice is available for anyone who prefers it. Please contact Bro. Jeff Neihouser. As in previous years, we will be seating every other row. There will a fully-masked section. We do not plan to have audio or video livestream of Communion. If you have questions or special needs, please contact Bro. Ted Jr. or Bro. Jeff
2. HarvestCall Projects CHANGE OF DATE for April.
Harvest Call projects will be Tuesday April 12th from 9am-12pm at the fellowship hall. Any questions contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419
3. Sunday, April 17 – Easter Morning Service and Brunch
Morning Service 8:00am with brunch immediately following. Brunch sign-up for you and/or guests is on the kitchen sign-up table. Please sign-up to help with the Easter Morning Brunch - Help is needed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings. Both men and women are needed.
Please contact Stephanie Heinold with any questions or help needed at 309-696-6464
Easter Sunday Second Church Service starts @ 10:10am
Children singing at 10:10am with Sunday School following at 10:30am
Second church service 10:30am
4. Saturday, April 30th – AC Medical Fellowship Conference at Goodfield
For all AC Health Care Providers and their spouses (this includes, but is not limited to MD, DDS, OT/PT, RN, NP, PA, Optometrists, Mental Health Practitioners). Please be aware that the official invitation to the Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship Conference on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Center, was emailed by HarvestCall from the HC Health Care Provider Registry. If you are not on the Registry but would like to attend the conference, please
7. New Sunday School Teachers Starting August 14
Sis Amanda Strunk and Bros Reid Aberle and Nathaniel Leman
A Look Ahead
1. April 27 – Clothing Drive
2. May 1 – Update for Morton Church from Bro Ted Jr-Afternoon Service/Family Hymn Sing that evening
3. June 4th & 5th – Testimonies and Baptisms – Church Family Weekend
4. June 19 and 26 and July 3 and 10 – Picture Directory Photo Sessions
5. June 26 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic