1. Wednesday, September 22 – Kingdom Kids Begins
We look forward to another exciting year of Kingdom Kids, learning more about Jesus for ages 3 years old – Third Grade.
We will begin at 6:50pm for early arrival activities, singing will start at 7:00pm and we will conclude at 8:10pm.
2. Friday, September 24 - All-Church Wiener Roast – 6:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall Shelter
Please join us for an evening of food, fellowship, and singing.
All food will be provided. A box will be available for donations for the food.
Bring a flashlight for the singing.
3. Monday, September 27 - ACCFS Women Helper Training
ACCFS staff will be providing a women helper training for women from Central Illinois AC Churches at the Morton Fellowship Hall on Monday, September 27th from 6:30pm-8:30 pm.
The purpose is to Equip Women to Help Women. The desire is to equip women in the church to be available to assist in meeting the mentoring, encouragement, counseling, and discipleship needs of the women in their church, both “formally” (at the elder’s direction) and also “informally” (as the Spirit leads).
The training will be a combination of skills teaching, discussion time/Q & A, and resources sharing by the ACCFS staff.
Please let Bro. Ted Witzig Jr know if you are interested by Sunday, September 12th at 309-224-8427 mobile/text or
4. Monday, October 4 – Red Cross Blood Drive -1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
The Red Cross is urging everyone to help overcome a severe blood shortage by donating, if able.
Masks are required. Enhanced disinfecting and social distancing will take place.
Volunteers are needed to greet and check-in donors. There is a form at the kitchen sign-up table.
Call Sis. Elaine Sollberger @ 266-9843 for scheduling a donation, volunteering, or questions.
5. 2022 Phone and Address Directory Updates
It is time to update our annual telephone and address directory with new adds or changes.
If you are currently listed with an email address in the directory, you will be receiving an email. You can simply reply to that email with changes.
All others, please direct new adds or changes to Sis Dannelle Zeller at
Those who have graduated from high school or are in the Young Group should have their own entry.
Remember you can include your married children and their spouses in your listing if you so choose.
You can now list as many phone numbers or emails as needed.
Church officers and committees are located in the back of the directory. If you are retiring from a position or starting a new one, please update us with that information as well. The firm deadline for submitting changes for the printed directory is November 7.
A Look Ahead
September 24 – All Church Wiener Roast
October 3 – Family Hymn Sing
October 10 – Nominations for Church Offices
October 16/17 - Testimonies and Baptisms
October 27 – SS Fall Party at FH