October 31, 2021

November 6, 2021


1.  November 4-6 - Hospital Lumiere Virtual Auction
A virtual benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned starting this Thursday November 4 at 4:00pm (CST) through Saturday November 6 at 4:00pm (CST). You can view items and place bids at https://www.32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere Most items have free shipping/delivery available. This annual fund-raising auction is a critical part of Hospital Lumiere’s funding and your support is very much appreciated.

2. November 7 – Firm Deadline for 2022 Phone and Address Directory Updates
It is time to update our annual telephone and address directory with new adds or changes.
If you are currently listed with an email address in the directory, you will be receiving an email. You can simply reply to that email with changes.
All others, please direct new adds or changes to Sis Dannelle Zeller at info@mortonacchurch.org 
Those who have graduated from high school or in the Young Group should have their own entry.
You can include your married children and their spouses in your listing, if you so choose.
You can now list as many phone numbers or emails as needed.  
Church officers and committees are located in the back of the directory. If you are retiring from a position or starting a new one, please update us with that information as well.
The firm deadline for submitting changes for the printed directory is November 7.

3. November 9 – HarvestCall Projects *NOTE CHANGE OF DATE*
Harvest Call projects at the fellowship hall has a CHANGE OF DATE for November.
Harvest Call projects will be the second Tuesday of November, Nov. 9th from 9-12. Any questions contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419

4. November 13 – Young Group Leaf Raking
The Young Group will be raking leaves on November 13th in the morning. If you would like to sign up to have us come to do your yard, please contact Sis. Carley Baer (309)634-9715 or the YG email mortonyg@gmail.com

5. November 13 - Retirement Dinner and Singing for Bro Ted Witzig Sr and Bro Jon Zeller
Elder Bro. Ted Witzig Sr and Bro Jon Zeller retired from the pulpit ministry in 2021. A retirement dinner acknowledging their years of service to our church was not planned due to the uncertainty and gathering limitations at that time.
We are now planning to have this dinner on Saturday, November 13, at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30pm with a singing to follow at 7pm. If you plan to attend the dinner, please sign up at the kitchen sign-up table.

6. Acts Bible Study in Afternoon Church Service (Acts 5 will be covered on 10/31)
Starting Sunday, 9/26, the Morton Ministers will teach through the first third of the book of Acts during the afternoon church service. We will continue teaching through the book of Acts in 2022.
As we go through each chapter, we will be looking for key themes including:
Message of the Early Church
Actions of the Early Church
Power of the Holy Spirit in the Early Church

7. November 20 – Young Group Mission Trip
On Saturday, November 20th, we will be taking 800 complete turkey dinners to a mission in Chicago called Mission of Our Lady of the Angels.
This is not just a Morton Young Group trip. Anyone that would like to go is welcome. We will be taking a bus and have room for about 55-60 people. We will be leaving the church at 5:30am and returning home around 4:30-5:00pm. There is no cost. Lunch will be provided.  
If you would like to go, please contact Bro Doug Huette (309) 202-6864 or Bro Billy Daniel (309) 696-5978.  
Donations to cover the costs of the food being delivered, etc. can be made by mailing a check to the church or putting a check into the donation box Young Group slot (Memo line: Young Group – Turkey). You can also donate online at the Morton church website.

8. HarvestCall Missionaries Card Pack
A new update to the HarvestCall Missionaries card pack is available. If you have a card pack, there are three ways to update it: 
On the table in the Resource Room is a basket with the latest update packet which includes instructions for updating your packet.  
You can also get an update packet from Bro. Jeff or Sis. Amanda Strunk.  
We are continuing the card pack exchange option. If you put your current pack in the basket in the Resource Room marked "Old Packets" you can take an updated packet from the "New Packets" basket.  
If you do not have a packet, but would like one, you can take one from the "New Packets" basket.

9. Volunteers Needed for Disaster Rebuilding in USA
HarvestCall’s next large-scale winter rebuilding ministry will be in Lafayette, Louisiana.
On 10/9/20 Hurricane Delta caused catastrophic damage throughout the area. They need our help to repair and rebuild their homes and lives. Homes will be re-roofed and repaired for underserved people who suffered loss and are unable to recover on their own. While construction is the obvious activity of this ministry, the primary goal is to share the love of Christ and proclaim the gospel.
Forty volunteers are needed each week starting 1/9/22 through 3/25/22. Skilled tradesmen AND unskilled workers are needed, as are those with a passion to share the gospel with those we serve.
Online registration is required for all team members and opens at noon Central time on Wednesday, November 17th at www.harvestcall.org

A Look Ahead

November 24 – No Wednesday Evening Church Service
November 25 – Thanksgiving Service – 9:45am
December 5 – Christmas Caroling/Chili Supper
December 12 – Sunday School Christmas Program during second service
December 22 – No Wednesday Evening Church Service
December 25 – Christmas Service – 9:45am
December 26 - 9:45am Sunday Morning Church Service/ Sunday School [FIRST SERVICE ONLY/NO CHURCH LUNCH/NO SECOND SERVICE]
December 29 – No Wednesday Evening Church Service
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Service 7:00pm
April 30, 2022 - Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) Meeting – Goodfield Fellowship Hall
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