1. Wednesday, October 25th – Sunday School Fall Party
6:00 pm start time at the Fellowship Hall for all students 3yr-8th grade. Pizza will be served for dinner, please sign up at the kitchen sign-up table if your kids are able to attend.
2. Donations Needed for Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction & Live Auction
Auction items should be given to Michael & Tami Leman no later than Oct. 26. Virtual benefit auction planned for Thursday Nov. 2 at 4:00 pm - Saturday Nov. 4. at 4:00 pm. Live In-Person - Nov. 10 at the Water Tower in Gridley. Food & Silent Auction at 4:30 pm, live auction at 7:00 pm. For more information - https://www.harvestcall.org/benefit-auction
3. Friday, November 3 – Singing at Restmor – 6:00 pm.
All are welcome to join us in singing and fellowship with the Restmor residents. • Please arrive at 5:45pm. The singing will begin at 6:00pm. Pizza will be served at the Fellowship Hall afterwards, please sign up at the kitchen sign-up table if you plan to attend. May the Lord bless you for bringing joy and blessings to the residents at Restmor.
4. 2024 Picture Directory Photo Session Updates for Online Directory Only – November 5th 11:15am-12pm or after church from 1-1:30pm
Consider having your picture taken for the 2024 online directory if you are….new to Morton Church, got married, had a baby, graduated and want a picture separate from your family, or missed getting your picture taken in 2023…..if these categories do not include you, please wait until next year to update your photo for the next printed directory.
We will be using a Sunday School Classroom where the 3yr olds through 3 graders meet to sing and have Sunday School. For those of you who may not know where this area is, if you walk towards the back of the church through the doors (Marked Sunday School over doors), the area is straight ahead. Someone will be there to give you instructions. You do not have to sign up, just show up, as we expect this to go pretty quicky. Our photographers are only taking a couple of snap shots per family. This is the only Sunday for updates. As a reminder, new picture directories will be printed every 2 years so the next printed version will be 2025.
5. 2024 Phone and Address Directory Updates
If you are new to Morton church and would like to be included in our 2024 phone and address directory, please email your contact information to Sis Dannelle Zeller at info@mortonacchurch.org. If you are currently listed with an email address in the directory, you will be receiving an email in early October. You can simply reply to that email with changes. Those who have graduated from high school or are in the Young Group should have their own entry. • Remember you can include your married children and their spouses under your listing, and you can list as many phone numbers or emails as needed. Church officers and committees are in the back of the directory. If you are retiring from a position or starting a new one, please update us with that information as well. The firm deadline for submitting all changes for the directory is November 5.
6. Saturday, November 11, 2023 - Apologetics Conference in Indianapolis
Registration for the 2023 Apologetics Conference is now open to all interested attendees. Registration is required and will close on November 1. The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of what apologetics is, why it matters, and provide entryways into major apologetic questions. This year's theme is: Does God Matter? While "Does God exist?" may be one of mankind’s most fundamental questions, our increasingly secular society seems to be asking a different question: "Does it even matter?" Join us at the 2023 Apologetics Conference as we discuss how to respond to atheism and apathy.
A Look Ahead
1.November 5 – 2024 Picture Directory Photo Session Updates for Online Directory Only
2. November 12 – Wedding – Bro Norman Dubert & Sis Audrey Reinhard at Bluffton Country
3. November 18 – Young Group Turkey Trip to Chicago
4. November 22 – No Church Service or SS Activities
5. November 23 – Thanksgiving Service – Church and Restmor