October 27, 2024

Tami Leman • October 30, 2024


1. Wednesday, October 30th – Sunday School Fall Party – 6-8pm at FH 
For all students 3yr-8th grade. Pizza will be served for dinner, please sign your children up at the kitchen sign-up table. 

2. Donations Needed for Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction & Live Auction
Hospital Lumiere has a virtual benefit auction planned for Thursday Oct.31 - Saturday Nov. 2th as well as the Live In-Person Auction on Nov. 8th at the Water Tower in Gridley. Meal at 4:00 pm, live auction at 6:00 pm. The Auction is in need of donations, if you can help, click on this Amazon wish list and the items will be sent directly to Gridley: Amazon.com or give items to Michael & Tami by October 20th. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website at https://www.harvestcall.org/benefit-auction 

3. 2025 Church Directory Updates due by Oct 31 
If you are new to Morton church and would like to be included in our 2025 church directory, please email your contact information to Sis Dannelle Zeller at info@mortonacchurch.org. If you are currently listed with an email address in the directory, you will be receiving an email containing a proof of your listing in early October. You can simply reply to that email with changes. Those who have graduated from high school or are now in the Young Group should also email info@mortonacchurch.org with information for their own entry. Remember, you can include your married children and their spouses under your listing, and you can list as many phone numbers or emails as needed. Church officers and committees are in the back of the directory. If you are retiring from a position or starting a new one, please update us with that information as well.

4. Friday, November 1, 6pm Singing at Restmor 
All are welcome to join us in singing and fellowship with the Restmor residents. Please arrive at 5:45. Pizza will be served at the Fellowship Hall afterwards. Please sign up at the kitchen sign up table if you plan to attend May the Lord bless you for bringing joy and blessing to the residents at Restmor. 

5. Sunday, November 10, MACC Bible Class Fundraiser “At the Table” 5-7pm at FH 
The entire Morton church is invited to the Bible Class fundraiser At the Table.  Come enjoy a good meal, connect with the Bible Class students, and hear the details about their upcoming Mission Trip!  You can sign up at the kitchen sign up table or text Sis Amanda Leman at 309-360-8431

A Look Ahead

1. November 9 – Apologetics Conference in Smithville, OH ETR Website. 
2. November 10 – Bible Class Fundraiser - At the Table 
3. November 17 – Wedding – Sophia Kaufmann and Gabe Hartter 
4. November 15 – 17 – ACCFS Marriage Retreat in Ft Lauderdale, FL  
5. November 16 – All Church Wedding Shower @ FH – Kraig Schick and Sanita Baer 
6. November 23 – Chicago Turkey Trip 
7. November 26 – All Church Wedding Shower @ FH – Alyssa Rassi and Cliff Leman 
8. November 27 – No Church Services or Youth Activities 
9. November 28 – Thanksgiving Service – Church and Restmor
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