1. Announcements
1. December 5 – Christmas Caroling and Chili Supper
Our chili supper will be first at 5:30pm followed by a Christmas singing at church at 6:30pm.
This year we will just be sending a small group to elderly homes that express interest. If you or someone you know wants to have a small group sing to them please contact Sis. Maria Leman 309-648-2457. The rest of the church will stay after the chili supper and sing Christmas carols at church in the sanctuary and this will be livestreamed.
2. Live Streaming Morton Church Services – Work Arounds if there are Disruptions
The AV Team has been working on solutions to periodic disruptions in the live stream due to a power surge in October that damaged some equipment. Thanks for your patience!
If you can't get the Video Streaming to work, please tune in via AC Central (using the app or online at ) or call in on the phone line 309-857-0000 PIN 00055#.
Also, special thanks to those working on the AV Team on behalf of the congregation!
3. November 14 – December 12 – 12th Annual Salvation Army Sock Drive
Please donate any new socks to the Sock Drive. There will be bins in the Resource Center (the room to the left on the men’s side as you go into the sanctuary) between 11/14 and 12/12.
Please sort your socks into three categories: men's, women, and children. A warm pair of socks can warm a heart. Blessings to you for being a part of warming hearts.
4. Volunteers Needed for HarvestCall Disaster Rebuilding in Lafayette, Louisiana
40 volunteers are needed weekly 1/9/22 - 3/25/22. Skilled tradesmen AND unskilled workers are needed, as are those with a passion to share the gospel with those we serve.
Online registration is required for all team members at
5. Restmor Administration Transition
Bro. Mike Kaiser has been serving at Restmor as both Chief Financial Officer and Licensed Administrator since 2017. Bro. Jeremiah Psinas has been serving as Chief Operating Officer.
As part of a phased retirement over the next several years, Bro. Mike will begin transferring some of the Administrator responsibilities to Bro. Jeremiah.
Effective January 1, Bro. Jeremiah will take on the role of Licensed Administrator and Bro. Mike will continue on as the Chief Financial Officer. While this is a change in titles, both brothers will continue to provide unified leadership as they seek to carry on the mission at Restmor.
Thank you for all of your ongoing prayers and support for the residents and staff at Restmor.
6. Replay of the Video - Surviving the Haiti Earthquake is available for a limited time
HarvestCall's Missionary Care Director, Amber Miller has a conversation with missionaries Daryl and Deb Knobloch, serving at Good Vision Farm (Haiti Dairy) and Gardy and Suzi Moreau, who were assisting at Hospital Lumiere. Watch these couples share how this once-in-a-lifetime experience personally effected them and their Haitian communities.
To view, go to this link:
7. Videos of the 2021 Truth in Love Apologetics Conference are Now Available
The 2021 Truth in Love Apologetics Conference was held in Gridley on Oct 9. The theme was the "Reliability of the Scriptures"
A Look Ahead
December 12 – Sunday School Christmas Program during second service
December 22 – No Wednesday Evening Church Service
December 25 – Christmas Service – 9:45am
December 26 - 9:45am Sunday Morning Church Service/ Sunday School [FIRST SERVICE ONLY/NO CHURCH LUNCH/NO SECOND SERVICE]
December 29 – No Wednesday Evening Church Service
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Service 7:00pm