1. Minister Vote
Reminder to pray and seek God’s will. Please return your ballot whether it has one, two, or three names on it. If you can’t come up with any names, please write “Blank” on it and return it. Ballots are to be returned by Sunday, November 5th. If someone hasn’t received a ballot, please contact Sis. Dannelle Zeller.
2. Tuesday, November 7, 9am-noon – HarvestCall Projects
We will be tying comforters. If you haven’t come before, consider joining the fun as we start the fall session. Come to the back door and meet in the “Harvest Call” room. Any questions contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419.
3. Church Officers for 2024
Church Trustees: Alan Zimmerman, Jeff Kieser ; Cemetery Trustee: Jim Steffen ; Funeral Usher: Howard Leman
4. Tuesday, November 7at 6:30 pm, Foster Care presentation at Tremont Fellowship Hall
Zach Garman will talk about his work in Foster Care and as a DCFS Child Protection Specialist. Nathaniel and Brooke Kaiser, Lucy Koch, Mark and Renee Kaiser, Chris and Sheri Allen will be sharing their experiences as Foster Parents. This program is informational and appropriate for adults of all ages, single or married, young or old, whether you think Foster Care is appropriate for your family or not.
Please sign-up on the following link below if you can attend. Sign-Up Link
5. Perspectives Class at Goodfield Fellowship Hall
What: Perspectives is a 15-lesson course of vision, hope, and passion found in the Bible with the goal of guiding Christians to greater alignment with God’s priorities in building His kingdom here on earth, locally and abroad.
Format: 15 different speakers over 15 weeks bring a wide variety of experience and stories to engage you in community and learning with your peers in a truly interactive setting. • When: Thursday, January 18 to Thursday, May 2 from 6:15 PM to 9:00 PM
Register online: https://perspectives.org/courses/goodfieldil-s24/
Questions: Bro. Erik Wiegand (mobile/text: 309-208-8984 or eriklee76@gmail.com) is the local church contact with the Goodfield AC Church.
A Look Ahead
1. November 19 – Memorandum
2. November 22 – No Church Service or SS Activities
3. November 23 – Thanksgiving Service – Church and Restmor
4. December 3 – Christmas Caroling/Chili Supper
5. December 4 – All Church Baby Shower – Amanda Strunk
6. December 10 – Sunday School Christmas Program
7. December 24 – 9:45am Church Service and Sunday School/No Lunch/No PM Church Service
8. December 25 – Christmas Service – Church and Restmor
9. December 27 – No Church Service or Youth Activities
10. December 31 – New Years Eve Service during PM Church Service