May 1, 2022

May 4, 2022


1. Tuesday, May 3 – HarvestCall Projects 
Harvest Call Projects will be Tuesday, May 3rdfrom 9am-12pm at the fellowship hall. If you have any questions, contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419 

2. Wednesday, May 4 - Family Worship Night/ Senior Night @ FH 7:00pm 
Bro Andrew Rassi will have the topic for Senior Night. There will be a reception with a light snack immediately following the evenings service and to give everyone the opportunity to meet the seniors. This year’s seniors are Mya Stoller, Isaac Rassi and Kaylee Tanner.

3. Sunday, May 25 – Summer Bible Study “Reflecting God’s Love”- Sign-Up Starts May 1 
Bible Study will be provided in small groups or in the sanctuary (like Sharing the Gospel in 2021) • No sign-up needed for sanctuary (just come) 
Reflecting God’s Love study books are available in the Resource Center along with sign-up sheets starting May 1st. 
Small group sign-up sheet – please sign-up and you will be placed in a group. We know that people will travel in the summer, it is ok to sign-up for a small group even if you are gone for a number of the sessions. Please indicate if you are willing to facilitate. Please sign-up by May 15th. 
Babysitting will be provided on Wednesday night at Fellowship Hall. Tuesday night Bible Study at Andrew & Sandy Rassi’s house for those willing to babysit on Wednesday. Babysitting/Tuesday night sign-up sheet in Library. 

4. Sunday, May 15 – Vote for Fellowship Hall and Drive Re-Pavement 
We are blessed by the generosity of the Morton Church. The April collection for the Capital Improvement Fund totaled $103,794 and our balance in the fund is approximately $205,000. • As the Trustees have previously communicated, it is our intent to repave the asphalt driveway and parking lot at the Fellowship Hall. This work will involve milling two inches off the top of the existing surface and replacing it with 2” of new asphalt at a cost of approximately $175,000. Before this work can proceed, we are required to obtain the church membership’s approval of this expenditure as it exceeds the $70,000 threshold established in the church bylaws. 
To this end, we plan to hold a short member meeting after the afternoon service on May 15th where we will ask for your approval of this expenditure. For this to be approved, we need to receive votes from one third of the membership (102 of the 306 members) and a majority of those casting votes must approve the expenditure. The church Trustees support this expenditure and will provide additional information in a brief pulpit update on May 8th.  
f you are not able to attend the member meeting on May 15th, you may request a ballot from Sis. Dannelle Zeller or Bro. Clint Heinold after May 4th and turn it in to Bro. Ted Witzig Jr. (via mail or email) prior to the May 15th meeting. 

5. Saturday, July 16 – Young Group/Mission Opportunity 
On Saturday July 16th, we have been invited up to the Chicago mission to deliver food and participate in a block party. It would be an opportunity to interact with the local community by sharing the gospel with them, singing songs as a group on the street, praying with individuals, playing games with the children, etc. 
At this time, we are looking to see if we have enough people to fill the bus. This would be a great opportunity for all ages, including families and neighbors, to spend the day being an ambassador for Christ. Please talk to Bro Doug Huette or Bro Billy Daniel to sign up or for more information.

A Look Ahead

1.June 4th & 5th – Testimonies and Baptisms – Church Family Weekend 
2. June 6 – Red Cross Blood Drive at Fellowship Hall – 1-6pm 
3. June 19 & 26 and July 3 & 10 – Picture Directory Photo Sessions 
4. June 26 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic 
5. July 25-29 – Vacation Bible School
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