1. Sunday School Teacher Nominations Ballots
Electronic Nomination ballots for Sunday School teachers were emailed out after church services Sunday, February 11. Anyone not on the church member email distribution list or those who do not have an email address, can receive a paper ballot by asking Sis Dannelle Zeller. If you would like to be on the email distribution list, please send your request to info@mortonacchurch.org
A document was attached with the weekly announcements as an overview of the opportunities, qualifications, and responsibilities of Sunday School teachers. This guide is to help the church as they prayerfully consider their nominations. Please complete and return ballots by Wednesday, February 28. There will be a ballot box at church for the paper ballots. Ballots will be counted following the church service. If you did not receive the email with the link to vote, please contact Sis Dannelle Zeller
2. Wednesday, March 13 – Family Worship Night - Faith in the Fire – 7pm at Fellowship Hall
Come be encouraged by life experiences shared by one of our Morton couples. Note the date change: March Family Worship will be held the 2nd Wednesday on March 13th.
3. Saturday, March 16 – Invite a Friend Potluck and Singing at Fellowship Hall
The Invite-a-friend dinner begins at 5:30pm and the singing at 7pm. To increase fellowship time, we would like to try something new. We will have a potluck style dinner with a light snack of bars and cookies after the singing. Please bring a main dish and a side dish, enough for you and your guests. Table service and drinks will be provided. A signup sheet is at the information center if you are planning to attend, as well as a signup to bring cookies or bars. Please contact Sis Larissa Steffen if you have any questions.
5. Resource Center News
The Resource Center provides Bibles for all ages, Bible studies, and various books about marriage, parenting, evangelism, apologetics, and the Christian life. These resources are for anyone who needs them or anyone looking to share a Bible or resource with someone in need.
New materials added recently include:
The NLT Life Recovery Bible
Features devotionals interspersed throughout the text tied to the Twelve steps of recovery. Includes Recovery reflections, profiles, and notes to help draw out themes and lessons tied to recovery from behaviors and addictions.
Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline & Jim Fay
Teach your children healthy responsibility and encourage their character growth from a young age. Covers topics such as tantrums, chores, managing screen time, peer pressure, navigating grief and more.
Unoffendable (Revised & Updated Edition) by Brant Hansen
What if Christians were the most unoffendable people on the planet? We're not entitled to get offended or stay angry. The idea of our own "righteous anger" is a myth. This book covers: Adjusting your expectations to fit human nature; Replacing perpetual anger with refreshing humility and gratitude; Embracing forgiveness and beginning to love others in unexpected ways.
Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Dannah Gresh
Offers fresh insights on the twisted messages about God, appearance, and sexuality that our media driven culture feeds young women. Equip your 13- to 17-year-olds to liberate themselves from deception---and embrace God's truth.
6. Saturday, April 20 – 2024 Vision for Discipleship Conference in Tremont, IL
God calls us to a life of discipleship, a personal walk with him where we bring all our life into alignment with the way of Christ and encourage others to do the same. More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at: https://accounseling.org/discipleshipconference2024/
A Look Ahead
1. March 16 – Invite a Friend Singing
2. March 17 – Communion Exhortation
3. March 23 – Wedding in West Lafayette – Isaac Rassi and Emma Blume
4. March 24 – Easter Program
5. March 29 – Good Friday Service – Restmor 2pm/Church 7pm
6. March 31 – Easter Service/Brunch