1. July 4 – New Schedule for Church Services
9:00am - 9:30am Prayer Group
9:30am - 9:45am Church Gathering/Fellowship
9:45am Morning Church Service
11:00am Fellowship Hour and Lunch
12:00pm Afternoon Church Service
1:15pm Fellowship and Depart
2. Supporting the Song Service
All ages of Sunday School children are encouraged to be up front to sing by 12:00pm at the start of the second service. Parents, we need your help with this.
Song leaders appreciate everyone getting in on time to sing and moving forward.
3. All Church - Sharing the Gospel Bible Study – Opening prayer at 7:00pm. Ends at 8:15pm
Small groups and the teaching in the sanctuary will start at 7:00pm with prayer and will end by 8:15pm. If you would like to join a small group contact Bro. Andrew Rassi.
Parents please drop-off children at the fellowship hall by 6:50pm.
The sanctuary teaching will be available by livestream and archive video and audio.
Each lesson has a ~5-minute video to go with it. The videos are found on the National AC Church website:
4. HarvestCall Projects – Summer Projects
Harvest Call projects at the fellowship hall have paused for the summer. However, we do have home projects that can be completed at your convenience.
Fleece blankets need edges cut for tying. Also, we have fabric pieces to be sewn together into quilt tops. If interested, please contact Sis Jayne Sauder 642-1836 or Sis Pam Heinold 696-3419.
5. July 26 – 30 - Vacation Bible School
VBS is rapidly approaching! We are excited about our theme “Time Lab: Discovering Jesus from Eternity Past to Eternity Future.”
The children’s VBS is scheduled for July 26-30 from 7:00-8:05 pm each evening. We need 6 volunteers to be tour guides that can commit to coming all five nights of VBS.
Questions or a description of what the tour guides do, contact Sis. Holly Levy or Sis. Sheryl Kaiser.
6. VBS Visitor Sign-Up
Visitors are welcome to participate in our Vacation Bible School this year, July 26th-30th. Visitors from preschool (4 years old)-8th grade who will be attending are asked to please sign up at the information center for planning purposes by July 15th. If you don't get signed up - don't worry you are still welcome to attend. Any questions, see Sis. Kim Zeller.
7. VBS Craft Helpers Needed
Craft Helpers are needed for Vacation Bible School July 26th-30th. Please sign up on the "Craft Helper Sign-Up Sheet" at the information center. Thank you for your willingness to serve.
A Look Ahead
July 6 – All Church Shower – Domniq Kaufmann & Ashley Triplett @ FH
July 9-10 – Proclaim and Serve Missions Conference – Peoria -
July 18 – Wedding in Morton – Sis Tori Sauder and Bro Eric Hartter (Washington)
July 26-30 – Vacation Bible School
August 4 – 6 - Elder and General Conference – Rittman, OH
August 5 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Clair Huette
August 7 – Gateway Woods Sale
August 9 – Annual Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting
August 15 – First Day of Sunday School
August 26 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Whittney Huette