1. 2023 Picture Directory Photo Sessions – Sunday, June 26th
The following three Sundays will be the photo sessions for our 2023 Picture Directory: June 26, we will be using one Sunday School Classroom where the 3yr olds through 3rd graders meet to sing and have Sunday School and July 3 and 10 we will be using 2 classrooms in that same area.
For those of you who may not know where this area is, if you walk towards the back of the church through the doors (Marked Sunday School over doors), the area is straight ahead. One of the following Sisters Tami Leman, Ashley Aberle, Whittney Huette will be there to give you some instruction and check you off our list as you go in to get your picture taken.
You do not have to sign up, just show up, as we expect this to go pretty quicky. Our photographers are only taking a couple of snap shots per family for the picture directory. We are hoping everyone will participate so please look at the dates and times now that we have scheduled to make sure you are here to have your pictures taken on one of those dates!
2. Exhortation on Selecting a Minister – Sunday, June 26th
For the Sunday 6/26 second service, Bro. Frank Sauder will be sharing with the Morton congregation an exhortation about selecting a minister. All are encouraged to attend. Elder Brothers Frank Sauder (Roanoke) and James Fehr (Tremont) are assisting Bro. Ted Witzig Jr. in the minister selection process in the Morton church. Nomination ballots will go out by mail to the members of the church right after the exhortation. Ballots will be due on Sunday, July 10th. Please be prayerful for this entire process.
3. Sunday, June 26th – Make-up Communion for Morton Church – 2:00pm in the Sanctuary
No need to sign up ahead of time. Plenty of room to spread out, as needed. Any special needs contact Brothers Ted Witzig Jr. or Jeff Neihouser.
Anyone needing communion served in their home should contact Bros. Ted or Jeff.
4. Wednesday, June 29 – Summer Bible Study “Reflecting God’s Love” Lesson 5
“Reflecting God’s Love” study books are available in the Information Center
Please complete Lesson 5 by June 29. Both small groups and sanctuary teaching will start at 7:00 pm. Babysitting drop-off on Wednesday night starts at 6:45 pm with pickup by 8:20 pm. Tuesday night Bible Study at 7 pm at Andrew & Sandy Rassi’s house for those who babysit on Wed.
5. Rotating Church Potluck Sign-up by July 10
Sign up now for 2022-2023 rotating church potluck - 3 potlucks starting in fall
Those on the church email list should soon receive an email with an attachment to fill out and send email or through mail. All others, pick up form with details at Information Center.
6. Saturday, July 16, 2022 – Chicago Mission Trip
There is still plenty of room on the bus if you would like to go to the Chicago Mission on Saturday, July 16th.
We will not be working, but we will unload and distribute food, sing hymns on the sidewalk, and interact with the people of that community.
If you are interested, please notify Doug Huette or Billy Daniel.
7. July 25 – 29, 7:00-8:30pm Children’s and Adults Vacation Bible School
Adult Vacation Bible School
The theme this year is “Journey Through Judges.” It will be held in the church sanctuary from 7:00pm-8:30pm for the Bible Class through adults. All are welcome. Please be prayerful for the 2023 VBS, the ministers, the singing groups and our Morton Church.
The list of speakers and singing groups for each night and their contact information will be sent out by email with weekly announcements.
Children’s Vacation Bible School
VBS is rapidly approaching this year! Our theme is “Take the Plunge and Dive into Jesus!”
Children’s VBS is scheduled from 6:45-8:30 pm each evening. We need many volunteers for teaching, tour guides, and crafts. Please use the following Sign-Up Genius Link to sign up to help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8AD22A3FCC43-vacation. For general questions see Sis. Holly Levy or Sis. Sheryl Kaiser. For craft questions see Sis. Kim Zeller. Visitors ages preschool (4yrs old)-8th grade who will be attending are asked to please sign up at the information center for planning purposes by July 15th. If you don't get signed up - don't worry, you are still welcome to attend!
8. Saturday – August 6, 2022 – Gateway Woods Auction
The Gateway Woods auction is coming up Saturday, August 6 if anyone has interest in going. Bro Nathaniel and Sis Tressa Leman are the auction representatives this year. If you would like to donate an item to Gateway Woods, please give it to them by July 15. For more information click on the following link. https://gatewaywoods.org/get-involved/auction
A Look Ahead
July 10 – Minister Nomination Ballots Due
July 17 – Julia Witzig and Matthew Stuber Wedding
July 21 – All Church Wedding Shower – Joe Ritthaler and Kaitlyn Grant
July 25-29 – Vacation Bible School
July 31 – 2022 Spring Memorandum – in afternoon service
August 3 – 5 – Elder/General Conference in Bluffton, IN
August 6 - All Church Wedding Shower 9am-Kayley Tanner & Gavin Ludeman
August 6 - Gateway Woods Auction
August 8 – Annual Sunday School Teachers Meeting
August 13 - All Church Wedding Shower 9am Case Baer & Madeline LaFont
August 13-14 - Church Family Weekend
August 14 - First Day of Sunday School
August 17 – Family Worship Night – “Faith in the Fire"