June 23, 2024

Tami Leman • June 24, 2024


1. Wednesday, June 19 – 7pm Gateway Woods Presentation at Fellowship Hall
The presentation typically takes about an hour (including 15 minutes of Q&A at the end). The presentation is meant to be a way for Gateway to be accountable to the churches and to give them an opportunity to share what has been happening at Gateway as well as the programs they offer, upcoming events/projects, and prayer requests. 

2. June 21 – 23 Young Group Invite 
The Young Group invite will be June 21-23! We have invited 17 churches and are very excited to host them all for the weekend!  We currently do not need any extra houses for hosting but will reach out if we do. Please contact sis Carley Baer if you have any questions. The Young Groups plan to be with us for both services at church on Sunday, June 23. 

3. Sunday, June 30 – Sunday School Picnic 4pm at the Fellowship Hall Shelter 
Food, Drink, and Table Service will be provided. There is no sign-up sheet, and all are invited. 

4. Saturday, July 13 - Proclaim & Serve 2024 missions conference at Bluffton Church
ALL are encouraged to come and be inspired, challenged, and better equipped to share the gospel.  You do NOT need to be a missionary or be actively involved in an outreach to attend. Learn more and register before the July 9 deadline at www.proclaimandserve.org 

5. Summer Sunday School Teachers Needed 
We are asking that any Brother or Sister (whether you have taught Sunday school in the past or have never taught Sunday school) that would like to volunteer and teach Summer Sunday School, contact Brothers Drew Leman or Ben Hartter if you are willing to teach or have questions. Each classroom will have at least 2 brothers or 2 sisters.  The students will stay in the same grade they are currently in and will move to their new grade when Sunday School resumes on August 18th. We will have Summer Sunday school for 4 Sundays this year. July 14th, 21st, 28th, August 4th

6. July 22-26 – Kids Vacation Bible School 
Kids VBS is coming up July 22-26. We are excited for the kids and their community friends to spend the week together learning more about Jesus.  This year we ask you to sign up by registering your children and their friends online. Follow the link below to our VBS website to sign up. Please share this link with friends and family in the community. https://mortonvbs2024.myanswers.com/jungle-journey/ 
If you have any questions please contact: Sheryl Kaiser, Angie Schick, Holly Levy, or Carley Baer.

7. July 22-26 – Adult Vacation Bible School 
The theme this year is “Building on the Foundation of Christ.” It will be held in the church sanctuary from 7:00pm-8:30pm for the Bible Class through adults. All are welcome.  Please be prayerful for the ministers, the singing groups and our Morton Church. The list of speakers and singing groups for each night and their contact information will be sent out by email with weekly announcements. 

8. Gateway Woods Auction Items Needed 
The Gateway Woods auction will be Saturday, August 3. Online auction bidding begins at 8 am, Wednesday, July 31. They are always in need of as many donations as possible. Something that is being highly requested is vacation getaways. Any donations need to be given to Nathaniel and Tressa Leman by July 15.

A Look Ahead

1. June 29 & 30 – Testimonies and Baptisms (Beau and Sophia Kaufmann) 
2. June 30 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic 
3. July 22-26 – Vacation Bible School 
4. July 14, 21, 28 and August 4 - Summer Sunday School 
5. August 8 – Baby Shower for Audrey Dubert – 6:30-7:30pm at Fellowship Hall
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