July 9, 2023

Tami Leman • July 8, 2023


Bible Class Trip to Sunset Gap 
Thanks to the church for your prayers during our recent mission trip to Sunset Gap. A total of 43 students, parents, and teachers from the Morton, St. Louis, and Chicago Bible classes served together this past week. We removed floor tile, carpet, and ceiling tile, built a deck and stairs, helped 143 families at a Food bank, served in a local soup kitchen, delivered meals in the community, and worked on the campus of Sunset Gap. We also got to take a white-water rafting trip and a hike in the Smokey mountains. It was a great week of serving, worship, and building relationships among the team. We are thankful for your love and support of our Bible class. 

1. July 10 – 14 – Children’s Vacation Bible School  
We are very excited for this opportunity to invest in our youth! Volunteers are needed! Please prayerfully consider volunteering and signing up using the Sign-Up link below. Detailed descriptions for each volunteer position are included in the sign up genius link. Please read them before signing up.  Please contact Sis. Sheryl Kaiser, Holly Levy, or Angie Schick if you have any questions. Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4CA5A82DABFBC43-vbsvolunteer 

2. July 11, 12 and 13 – Adult Vacation Bible School 
The theme this year is “Running to Win.” It will be held in the church sanctuary from 7:00-8:30pm for the Bible Class through adults. All are welcome. Please be prayerful for the ministers, the singing groups, and our Morton Church. The list of speakers and singing groups for each night and their contact information will be sent out by email with weekly announcements.

3. Saturday, July 22 – Singing from New Hymnal, 7pm at the Fellowship Hall 
We are planning to have another singing out of the new church hymn book, “Hymns of Worship”. This new hymnbook is a compilation of old favorites and newer hymns. Please plan to join us! 

4. August 5 – Gateway Woods in Person Auction 
Donation items are needed for the in person auction including: tools, home and garden items, kitchen, toys, outdoor recreation equipment, and technology.  Items needed for the online auction (taking place at the same time) include the same as above, with an emphasis on domestic travel/experiences, subscriptions, and collectibles. Please have your donations delivered to Bro. Nathaniel and Sis. Tressa Leman by July 15, 2023. As always, volunteers are needed to make the auction happen. Click the following link to sign up for volunteer jobs https://gatewaywoods.ivolunteer.com/

5. Wednesday, July 19 – Presentation from Mission Trip to Sunset Gap at Fellowship Hall 
The Morton, St. Louis, and Chicago Bible Classes, parents, and teachers went on their mission trip to Sunset Gap from June 12th – June 17th.  You are invited to come listen as they share details from the trip including an overview of Sunset Gap and some of the projects and activities they did together in Tennessee. 

6. Saturday, August 19 – 2023 Men’s Sing at Bluffton North church 
The Bluffton and Bluffton North churches are excited to host the 2023 Men’s Sing. Registration is now open and copies of the songs for the 2023 men's sing are now available at https://www.acmensing.org/ Questions, contact Bro. Chet Baumgartner info@acmensing.org 

7. Kingdom Kids Seeking New Teacher’s 
We are looking for a couple of teachers for Kingdom Kids for the 2023-24 Sunday School year. These teachers would be in the younger class for 3-year-olds through kindergarten. Kingdom Kids meet two times per month on Wednesday evenings from September to May. If you have any questions, please contact Sis Sue Neihouser.

A Look Ahead

1. July 19 – Sunset Gap Presentation at Fellowship Hall 
2. July 22 – Singing from New Hymnal at Fellowship Hall 
3. July 30 – Wedding in Tremont – Bro Trent Kieser and Sis Jolene Plattner 
4. August 2 - Prayer & Praise Night 
5. August 5 – Gateway Woods in Person Auction 
6. August 13 – First Day of Sunday School 
7. August 14 – Annual SS Teachers Meeting 
8. August 17 – All Church Wedding Shower – Sis Nicole Leman & Bro Joe Kaufmann 
9. August 26 & 27 – Church Family Weekend
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