1. 2025 Church Directories
The 2025 church directories are now available at the information center. Please take no more than two directories per household for now to ensure all families get a copy. A PDF version of the directory, updated quarterly, is downloadable from our church website www.mortonacchurch.org for quick access on a computer or mobile device.
2. Valet Parking
All those interested in helping with the Valet Parking Program, please click on the following link and select the date you wish to help:
https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/appointments/schedules/AcZssZ0wat0dZzxuHkdhln4 O53TrBdzuyA-R6eya8vODZ0kCf6n50nxCWgiMZ5FW1tpgg2yTtmR4vP2G
You can also go to the church website at www.mortonacchurch.org and scroll down to click the link on the home page to sign up. We need two people on Sundays and one on Wednesday evenings. If you have any questions, please contact Bro Gary Rassi at 309-339-5067.
3. Sunday, January 5 - Pizza Meal 5:30pm and Church Family Hymn Sing 6:30pm at church
The 4th-8th graders will be the special group for the evening. Please sign up at the kitchen sign-up table if you plan to attend or if you can bring bars or cookies.
4. GriefShare Support Group
A grief recovery ministry is being held at the Goodfield AC Fellowship Hall that will greatly benefit you or those in your church family experiencing the loss of a spouse, child or close family member. GriefShare is a faith-based program designed so that the meetings are a safe space to share our grief struggles with others through videos & participant interaction. The next session begins Jan. 13, 2025, and will be held for 13 consecutive weeks from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. If you want to learn more about this excellent program go to https://www.griefshare.org/ministries/206219 or contact: goodfieldgriefshare@gmail.com • We would be happy to answer any questions about the program. Blessings, Alan & Joanne Roth 309.448.2631
5. Wednesday, January 15, 7:00pm – Annual Business Meeting
The meeting will be a brief overview of the church funds with our normal financial handout available. Please plan to attend and see how your church has been blessed this past year. If you are not able to attend in person, please contact Sis Dannelle Zeller to get a link for the live stream. After the meeting, there will be a shortened service. The meeting and service will be held during the normal Wednesday night service time.
6. Sunday, January 19 - Family Recognition Service
This shortened afternoon church service is intended to recognize the new babies that have been born into our church during 2024. While this is an encouragement to the parents to raise these children in God-fearing homes, it is also an opportunity and reminder to the entire church family to be involved in each other’s lives as we go through life.
A Look Ahead
1. January 15 – Annual Business Meeting
2. January 19 – Family Recognition Service
3. February 1 – ALive 2025 Registration begins… www.ALiveAlabama.com
4. February 5 – Church Family Worship Night “Faith in the Fire”
5. February 9 – Nominate Sunday School Teachers