February 16, 2025

Tami Leman • February 15, 2025


1.  Sunday, February 9 - Sunday School Teacher Nominations Following Afternoon Service
Electronic Nomination ballots for Sunday School teachers will be emailed out after the church service. Anyone not on the church email distribution list or those who do not have an email address, can receive a paper ballot by asking Sis Dannelle Zeller. If you would like to be on the email distribution list, please send your request to info@mortonacchurch.org . A document was attached with the weekly announcements as an overview of the opportunities, qualifications, and responsibilities of Sunday School teachers. This guide is to help the church as they prayerfully consider their nominations.  Please complete and return ballots by Sunday, February 23. There will be a ballot box at church for the paper ballots. Ballots will be counted following the church service. 

2. Meal Committee #1 Co-chair Needed 
This position can be held by one person, or two people can do it together. The job of the co-chair is to assist the Chairman when planning meals for the church pertaining to funerals, baptisms, Easter brunch etc…. If you would be willing to fill this position, or have questions regarding co-chair duties, please contact Sisters Rhonda Kaufman or Dawn Spangler 

3. New Cemetery Administrator Announcement from the Church Trustees 
After many years of faithful service, Bro. Doug Getz is retiring from the Cemetery Administrator role. We are seeking candidates for this position who are available, dependable, and compassionate as well as being willing to perform this duty long-term. The administrator is responsible for maintaining burial records, coordinating burial arrangements, selling graves, and other similar duties. For further information, please contact one of the cemetery trustees or Bro. Jeff Strunk. 

4. Updated Statement of Faith Now Available 
The Statement of Faith expresses the basics of what the Apostolic Christian Church believes and teaches based on the Bible. Copies for you to pick up will be available on a stool outside of the sanctuary both morning and afternoon services. 

5. Follow CVE on Social Media! 
As a follow-up to Sis Kendra Neihouser’s communication to the church on January 12, you can stay up-to-date with what is going on at CVE through platforms via social media (Facebook and Instagram) and an email prayer list.  Please click on the following link for more information: Follow CVE on Social Media 

6. Saturday, February 15, 5-8pm – Young Group Babysitting at Fellowship Hall
To make sure there are enough babysitters and dinner, please sign up your kids on the sign-up sheet in the nursery and reach out to sis. Carley Baer (309)634-9715 with any questions. 

7. Saturday, March 15 – Discipleship Conference 
ACCFS will be hosting its 2025 Perfecting Love | Discipleship Conference on March 15th in Bluffton North, IN. This year's theme, Elements of Discipleship, is focused on helping attendees consider components needed for discipleship to flourish in their local church communities. We look forward to a time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship.  More information as well as registration for this in-person event can be found at https://accounseling.org/discipleship-conference-2025/. We encourage you to consider joining us!

8. Sunday, February 16, 6:30pm – Gridley Church Singing Invite 
Gridley Church would love to have some of our congregation join them! 

A Look Ahead

1. March 5-7 – Mid-Year Elder Conference – Bradford, IL 
2. March 8 – Invite a Friend Singing 
3. March 16 – Communion Exhortation

E4 Church Leadership Model 
As of Sunday, January 5th, leader qualifications and position descriptions were available at the Information Center or by request from Bro. Ken Rinkenberger. Four leadership positions are available to brothers, sisters, or couples from our church family: 
o INREACH – Discipleship 
o INREACH – Youth Ministries 
o INREACH – Church Family 
o OUTREACH – Local and World Community 
 In mid-January, several of you either volunteered for one of these roles or nominated a brother, sister, or couple to lead one of these areas, which we appreciate. The Elder/Minister Team is prayerfully considering each position and will be discussing the roles with individuals or couples for their prayerful consideration. We expect to share the appointments for these key positions with the congregation in late February or early March, which will then be followed by an individual confirmation vote. • Please be prayerful for this important step in the implementation process. 
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