1. Sunday, August 18– Bible Class Parent Meeting 11:40am in Omega Room
2. 2024-2025 College Students
The 2024-2025 school year is beginning. Attached to this email is the list of current college students from our Morton Church family along with their contact information, as well as the school they are attending and their major. Please keep them in your prayers and consider sending them a note or an email now and throughout the year. Let’s remember to pray for all of our students and teachers, Pre School through College.
3. Sunday, September 15 – 2025 Picture Directory Photo Session Updates for Online Directory Only
11:15am-12pm or after church from 1-1:30pm. If you are…. new to Morton Church, got married, had a baby, graduated and want a picture separate from your family, or missed getting your picture taken in 2023. If these categories do not include you, please wait until next year (2025) to update your photo for the 2026 directory when everyone’s pictures will be re-taken. We will be using a Sunday School Classroom where the 3yr olds through 3 graders meet to sing and have Sunday School. For those of you who may not know where this area is, if you walk towards the back of the church through the doors (Marked Sunday School over doors), the area is straight ahead. Someone will be there to give you instructions. You do not have to sign up, just show up, as we expect this to go pretty quickly. Our photographers are only taking a couple of snap shots per family. This is the only Sunday for updates.
4. 2024 Conference talks are now available on AC Central
5. “Tech Talks” presented by ACCFS – Family Worship Nights Fall 2024 - 7pm at Fellowship Hall
Sept 4 Digital Citizenship: Navigating our Virtual Environment, Oct 2 Rewiring the Brain: How Tech is Changing You, Nov 6 Unmasking the Impact: Youth, Social Media, and Emotional Well-being, Dec 4 The Connected Family: Nurturing Relationships in the Digital Age
6. Saturday, November 9, Apologetics Conference in Smithville, OH
The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of what apologetics is, why it matters, and introduce major apologetic questions. The first four conferences, with themes of “Introduction to Apologetics”, “Reliability of the Scriptures”, “Who is God?”, and “Does God Matter?” were well received by attendees and have promoted these topics within our denomination. This year's theme is "I’m Glad You Asked: How Good Questions Turn Doubt to Faith". All of us have questions, from a simple curiosity to deeper struggles to understand the world around us. The secular world is providing answers; often without dialog, compassion, or a consideration of Biblical perspectives. We will equip ourselves to listen, support, and respond to each other with Love, Respect, and Truth. More information and the registration link can be found on the ETR Website.
A Look Ahead
1. September 15 – 2025 Picture Directory Photo Session Updates for Online Directory
2. September 20 – All Church Wiener Roast
3. September 21 – Grafted Gathering – Tremont - https://accounseling.org/graftedgathering2024
4. September 30 – Red Cross Blood Drive
5. October 6 – Family Hymn Sing
6. October 13 – Morton Church Updates/Church Office Nominations
7. October 19-20 – Church Family Weekend
8. October 27 – Fall Memorandum