1. August 25 – All Church - Sharing the Gospel Bible Study – Lesson #9
Small groups and sanctuary teaching will go from 7:00pm – 8:15pm
The sanctuary teaching will be available by livestream and archive audio and video
The ~5-minute videos that go with each lesson can be found on the National AC Church website:
2. August 28th - Invite a Friend Singing
Please come and bring guests on August 28 at 7:00pm at the Morton Fellowship Hall.
A snack will be provided following the singing.
There is a sign-up sheet at the Information Center for you and number of guests you are bringing.
3. 2021-22 College Student Prayer List
The 2021-2022 school year is beginning.
Attached with Weekly Announcements email, is the list of current college students from our Morton Church family along with their contact information, what school they are attending and their major. Please keep them in your prayers and consider sending them a note or an email now and throughout the year.
Let’s remember to pray for all of our students, Pre School through High School too. During these times we are living in, your prayers for all students and all teachers would be greatly appreciated.
4. Audio/Video for the 2021 General Conference in Rittman, OH
The audio of the General Conference is available on AC Central.
The video of the General Conference is available through this link on the national church website:
5. Resource Center Update
We invite you to visit our Resource Center and come in to see the selection of books, Bibles, children’s Bible story books, Bible studies, ministry information, music, and more.
If you haven’t checked in the Resource Center later, we restock often and there may be new things you haven’t seen yet. We have several new items to help in sharing the Gospel with both adults and children.
In coming weeks there will be an iPad and printer installed so that you can access information from AC Church ministries and resources.
Please Note:
We have appreciated those of you have inquired about donating books and Bibles you may have accumulated and are cleaning out. Unfortunately, we have limited space and are unable to receive those donations.
Religious books such as devotionals, Bibles etc. can be donated to “Love Packages” when we have the collection in April.
The AC Bookstore in Goodfield also takes used Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion, Zions Harp and Tabernacle Hymns.
If you have any questions, please contact our Resource Center representative Sis Lindsay Funk.
6. September 27th - ACCFS Women Helper Training
ACCFS staff will be providing a women helper training for women from Central Illinois AC Churches at the Morton Fellowship Hall on Monday, September 27th from 6:30pm-8:30 pm.
The purpose is to Equip Women to Help Women. The desire is to equip women in the church to be available to assist in meeting the mentoring, encouragement, counseling, and discipleship needs of the women in their church, both “formally”(at the elder’s direction) and also “informally” (as the Spirit leads).
The training will be a combination of skills teaching, discussion time/Q & A, and resources sharing by the ACCFS staff.
Please let Bro. Ted Witzig Jr know if you are interested by Sunday, September 12th at 309-224-8427 mobile/text or
7.Special Collection for the HarvestCall Disaster Fund – August 22 and 29
The massive earthquake in southern Haiti devastated tens of thousands of homes, wrecked businesses, flattened churches, and battered Hospital Lumiere’s campus.
Our desire is to assist the hurting, directly through our ministries in Haiti, and also by funding other organizations that specialize in disaster relief.
After assessing the extent of damage and magnitude of need, we are requesting a national collection for the Disaster Fund. Please prayerfully consider a financial donation, as the Lord leads.
You can give to this through the collection boxes at church, by mail, or online on the website.
Please mark your check as HarvestCall Disaster Fund or if you are giving on the church website, there is an option to choose “Disaster Fund.”
A Look Ahead
September 7 – All Church Baby Shower – Sis Angie Schick
September 24 – All Church Wiener Roast
October 3 – Family Hymn Sing
October 10 – Nominations for Church Offices
October 27 – SS Fall Party at FH