April 28, 2024

Tami Leman • April 27, 2024


Monday, April 15– Password Changed for our Church Website 
Please contact Sis Dannelle Zeller or Sis Tami Leman if you need the new password. We believe this extra step, while inconvenient, will provide better security for our online information.

2. Wednesday, April 24 – Clothing Drive/Love Packages, 6:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall
Clothing Drive: Your donations of good, clean clothing will be taken to the Goodfield HarvestCall facility. The 4th-8th Grade will be working on the collection and sorting.  Love Packages: Your used/new religious materials - Bibles, daily devotionals, Christian books/music, reference books, children Bible games, etc., are being collected for an organization called Love Packages, which ships the collected materials all over the world. 

3. Sunday, April 28 - High School Senior Recognition Service in the Afternoon Service
Bro Todd Sauder will have the topic for the High School Seniors. There will be a reception with a light snack immediately following the afternoon service and to give everyone the opportunity to meet the seniors.  This year’s seniors are Tali Heinold, Preston Matlock and Gage Stoller

4. Sunday, April 28 – Communion at Restmor at 2 pm – Limited 
Due to capacity restrictions this service will not be open as a general “make-up” date. Immediate family members of Restmor residents will be able to attend to support their resident. We will also try to accommodate other seniors that are not able to attend Communion at church. Contact Jeremiah Psinas at Restmor so they can plan accordingly.

5. Sunday, May 5 – Pizza Meal at 5:30 pm and Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 pm  
The Pre-K-3rd graders will be the special group for the evening.  Please sign up at the kitchen sign up table if you plan to attend or if you can bring bars or cookies. 

6. Sunday, June 2 – Afternoon Service (Church Family Weekend) 
All are welcome and encouraged to attend the confirmation and installation service for Bro. Fred Funk to become a Deacon in the Morton church. Elder Brothers James Fehr (Tremont), Mark Streitmatter (Bloomington), and Frank Sauder (Roanoke) plan to be with us.

A Look Ahead

1. May 5 – Morton Church Updates – Bro Ted Witzig Jr/Family Hymn Sing 
2. May 22 – All Church Presentation – Leadership/Engagement 
3. May 29 – Summer Bible Study Begins – “Prayer” 
4. June 1 – All Church Presentation – Leadership/Engagement 
5. June 2 – Deacon Confirmation and Installation Service for Bro Fred Funk 
6. June 9 – Spring Memorandum 
7. June 30 – Last Day of Sunday School/Sunday School Picnic
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