1. Silver Lining Collection
It is once again time to update our subscription list for The Silver Lining.
If there is anyone who would like to receive The Silver Lining who is not presently getting it, or if you have an address change, please contact Sis. Annette Tanner – 309-266-9687.
Some people are preferring to read the Silver Lining online. If you no longer wish to receive a paper copy, please let Sis. Annette know so she can take your name off of the subscription list.
If anyone cares to make a donation for The Silver Lining, please make your check out to the General Fund with Silver Lining in the memo line and put it in the General Fund collection box or mail to the church with attention Bro. Jan Neukomm. Suggested donation per subscription is $18.
2. Request from the Trustees:
The Church Trustees have received a request regarding seating for parents with toddlers. These parents are asking that there be space left open in the back benches for them to sit with their young children.
The purpose for this request is that they frequently must leave and return to the sanctuary and do not want to be a distraction for the rest of the congregation. We are asking that we leave the back two far left benches in front of the sound booth open for them.
If you are physically able, please help our young families by moving a few benches forward. Thank you in advance for your help moving forward.
A Look Ahead
May 1 – LifePoints Gospel Sing
May 2 – Family Hymn Sing
May 5 – Family Worship/Senior Night
June 7 – Red Cross Blood Drive
June 27 – Last Day of Sunday School and Sunday School Picnic
July 10 – Proclaim and Serve - Peoria